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Making College More Affordable for All Students: The Key Role of Libraries and Open Educational Resources in Equitable Access

Libraries have a long history of providing access to information and resources for all, and they are well-positioned to play a leading role in making textbooks more affordable. This is why one of the important components of a successful equitable access textbook program is the library - Here’s how:

  1. Libraries have a wealth of resources that can be used to support an equitable access program. Libraries can purchase eBook licenses and also bulk subscriptions and other reference materials.
  2. The Director of Library Services and other OER program managers can work with faculty to identify OER that can be used in their courses. They can also help to create and distribute OER materials as well as promote the use of OER among students and faculty. In addition, they can provide training and support to faculty on how to use OER in their teaching.
  3. In addition to providing students with access to some course materials, libraries can also play a role in promoting equitable access to education. By working with faculty and administrators, libraries can help to ensure that all students have the resources they need to succeed.

Equitable Access programs provide students with affordable or free access to the course materials they need for their classes. There are a variety of ways to implement an equitable access textbook program, but they all share the goal of making textbooks more affordable for students.

An equitable access textbook program that includes a dedicated library staff and open educational resource initiatives can help to ensure that all students have access to the resources they need to succeed.

If you are interested in creating an equitable access program at your college or university, there are a number of resources and partners available to help you get started. Together, you can make a difference in the lives of your students.